WKNA in 2021
we're talking about our future
presenting: Saturday speaker series
Aloha and thank you for your interest!
Each month (usually on the 4th Saturday), WKNA presents fascinating speakers focused on eastside issues, and has become a popular forum for residents to engage with community concerns.
Check out our schedule of upcoming speakers, and please join us!

promoting: neighborhood pride awards
Several times a year, WKNA honors an eastside resident who has created and maintains an outstanding front yard. Nominate yourself or one of your neighbors! The only criteria is that the resident does the work themselves and it's located in the 96746 zipcode. Click here to see our past winners.
progressing: the main priorities
WKNA, always evolving and improving, invites your kokua as we implement our organizational mission. You can participate in these discussions at our monthly meetings.
Sign up now to stay informed about these meetings and other issues of vital concern to all residents on the eastside.
site info
© 2021 Wailua-Kapaa Neighborhood Association | Design by Andreas Viklund.